Monday, April 11, 2016

ILP "Participation"- tutorial

1. Activity log

  •  Start watching Mike Hathorn: 3D Printing in the Classroom 
  •  A teacher is making a tutorial on the 3D printing software named Sketch Up
  •  Explains how students now-a-days are consumers of technology and how he wants to make students producers of technology 
  • Students get to create the curriculum of their course at Hardford High School 
  • Students walk around town and take pictures, they then transfer those pictures onto a software called Sketch Up
  • Students model their own objects and then get to use the 3D printer to create them
  • The class uses 3D printing to create models of their town, these models are uploaded on Google Earth
  • To make the class more history based the students have to find someone to talk to and get information about the building they took a picture and sketched a model of
  • The students conduct an interview so when people click on that building they are informed of the building's history 
  • This class gives students technology skills, knowledge of history of their town and how to talk and interview people 
  • Teacher noticed more students standing than sitting while working with the 3D printers and computers
  • He found out that people have more brain activity when they are standing versus when they are sitting 
  • The software allows the students to get creative even when the teacher assigns a certain topic for the assignment
  • Students are not doing the same assignments, they have a little freedom and creativity which allows them to get deeper into their work 
  • Since each student is working on a different project it allows the teacher to talk more one on one with the student and give them suggestions on how to fix their work
  • Students also use math when they go out into the town and approximate how many feet long a building is to make an accurate model with a pacer
  • Students are having fun but also realize it is important that they are learning how to use this technology now for the future
  • The principal sees that the students who do not do well in core academic classes or have no interests in school succeed in this type of technology class
  • The teacher tries to show that instead of consuming this technology products that they can actually make them
  • Examples: iPhone case, amplifier, building, board game piece, etc.
  • The teacher even brings the students to Tech Jam, a showcase to show off their pieces and to see other students and companies technological products 
  • At the showcase the students get to explain to others how 3D printers work and show them their products that are currently being made
  • It allows the students to demonstrate the knowledge they have learned in class
  • Sketch Up and 3D printers allow students to be innovative
  • These independent and creative skills will follow these students into their careers and future lives
  • This tutorial helps show how teachers can turn students who are technology consumers into technology creators

2. The learning experience these students get are like no other. They get to learn about relevant history that pertains to them since it is about their town. They also get to learn about new technologies and how to use them for innovative purposes. The learning experience these students get show them that there is more than just lecture and discussion based ways of learning. They get to be creative while still learning important aspects and skills they will need in the future. This class allows students to take a break from other repetitive classes and proves that different ways of learning increases interests in all students. Students get a lot out of this hands on class that they would not be able to get in a traditional classroom setting.


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